Friday, August 31, 2007
Braided Extensions
Hair braiding is one of the oldest methods of hair addition. In this technique a section of the hair is parted separated and parted in two. Using the additional hair as the third leg on a braid , lacing between the natural hair and continue to separate into three legs until the entire braid is done. Using this same method to get it started, a quarter of an inch from the scalp gets braided , then glued or hand tied with thread or Brazilian string. Leaving the entire extension loose results in a natural look Vs braiding it all the way to the ends. On the other hand braiding them all the way to the ends makes for no maintenance while they last. This is a great method for Afro American due to the growth pattern of the textured hair. On hair that is of looser texture as in Caucasian texture this method wont last as long. the hair tends to untangle. The longevity of this technique is about two months maximum.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Japanese Straight hair
What is the process, what to expect from your technician and what exactly is this chemical doing to your hair. Fist of all you should know that this process is NOT REVERSIBLE. Secondly your technician needs to do a thorough analyzes of your hair. Then the technician needs to perform a test strand. Why? because the longer the strand the more history there is to consider on that strand. Example: If you blow dry, flatiron, shampoo with hot water, use the wrong shampoo, wraps hair while wet, color yourself, level of peroxide, not enough elasticity, too porous, and on and on I can go. The final procedures to provide you with your straightener service is a combination of everything that applies to you. There is not one head I've process that I can honestly say it was done the same. The application on some people has been where I apply the entire head and the "baby soft" hair line is applied for only five minutes. The timing on each individual is determined my the strand testing performed every three to seven minutes starting after the first 7 minutes of processing. Most of the time the first Quad applied on the hair has to be rinsed before the last. Also this chemical or any straightener CANNOT GO ON SCALP. It will brake the hair at the scalp feeling like it's been buzzed off with a cutting razor. This can also happen if the flat iron is not 100% ceramic. I personally use CHI by farouk. (that's is just me)
OK, on we go. First a liquid to stabilize the strand and protect overly stressed areas is applied. After the application of the straightening potion is done and processed it needs to be rinsed well and blow dry up to 80% of the moisture. flat iron section by PAPER THIN section. at this point NO CLIPS, duckbills, butterfly clips, etc. Help your technician at this point by holding your hair. By the way this is that moment when you feel this was a huge mistake and you are permanently ruined, relax your hair is now receiving the order of "now you will live the rest of you life straight". After it looks fabulously straight it needs to be soaked with neutralizing solution which will now seal the deal. A restructuring treatment is then applied and finally styled. You cannot touch this hair with shampoo for a minimum of two days three is awesome. Also no clips, head bands. glasses on to of the head, or even pulled behind the ear.
Enjoy no more hassles.
Japanese straight hair.
OK, on we go. First a liquid to stabilize the strand and protect overly stressed areas is applied. After the application of the straightening potion is done and processed it needs to be rinsed well and blow dry up to 80% of the moisture. flat iron section by PAPER THIN section. at this point NO CLIPS, duckbills, butterfly clips, etc. Help your technician at this point by holding your hair. By the way this is that moment when you feel this was a huge mistake and you are permanently ruined, relax your hair is now receiving the order of "now you will live the rest of you life straight". After it looks fabulously straight it needs to be soaked with neutralizing solution which will now seal the deal. A restructuring treatment is then applied and finally styled. You cannot touch this hair with shampoo for a minimum of two days three is awesome. Also no clips, head bands. glasses on to of the head, or even pulled behind the ear.
Enjoy no more hassles.
Japanese straight hair.
Desrizado Japones

Cuando hablamos de químicos pensamos en pelos maltratados, quemados y hasta la palabra “chicle” la he oído mencionar.
Para obtener esa cabellera sedosa y siempre lacia sin utilizar secadores y otras herramientas y para poderlo mantener lacio en nuestro clima húmedo y seco tienes que leer este reportaje de un sistema que además de dejarte el cabello siempre lacio aunque salgas de la playa este verano te lo reestructura y le da un brillo espectacular.
En la industria hay un sin número de productos para desrizar el cabello y dejarlo mas flexible para peinar. Pero nada compara con el desrizado Japones o el thermic straightner o el hot thyoglacolate todos son básicamente la misma idea.
Este sistema de desrizado es un proceso de 4 o 5 horas. Se inicia limpiando el cabello y su posterior preparación con una vitamina especial que balancee el PH toda la fibra capilar. Se prosigue con la aplicación de una crema específica para alisar el cabello que se sella con unas planchas de cerámica la cual se pasa por el cabello cuando este ha sido parcialmente secado un 80% con secador.
Después de una hora y media una vez seco, se le aplica neutralizante. Tras el sellado, es el momento de tratar el cabello con un reconstructor especial indicado para reparar la cutícula. Después de todos los tratamientos e hidratantes se seca finalmente el cabello y para aquellos cabellos fuertes y abundantes es recomendable pasar la plancha una ultima vez para asegurar que la cutícula quede bien acostada y al dormir la clienta no le cree marcas al cabello.
El resultado final es un cabello liso, con una textura suave y, sobre todo, con mucho brillo. El cabello se muestra totalmente flexible, un nuevo aspecto que se mantendrá visible durante 4 o 5 meses. No obstante, para garantizar completamente estos resultados es importante que tras el trabajo en el salón de peluquería, la clienta siga las siguientes indicaciones:
- Durante dos días no se lavará ni mojará el cabello, ni colocará sobre el mismo objetos que puedan dejar marca, como gafas de sol, horquillas o, incluso, se desaconseja retirarse el cabello por detrás de la oreja.- Una vez pasados estos dos días la clienta podrá lavarse el cabello con un champú especial que aporte mayor resistencia.
Hasta la proxima,
Monday, August 13, 2007
Tangled extensions

Depending on what type of extension technique you are using
and the quality of hair this can be the factor of tangling.
For instance if you have keratin strand by strand and the extensions
are too close together, they tend to fuse together in a tangle mess. This happens 100% of the time because the hair is not being properly maintained(see maintaining your hair extensions bible). If the extension is tangling along the one strand. YOU are going to sleep or you're letting the extension dry by "wind blowed". I also mean when you are LAYING down at the beach or by the pool or wherever, the nape will tend to rub the extension and this friction will tangle them strand by strand. This is the biggest culprit of damage to your natural hair. See... let me explain the dynamics of hair extensions on the head so you can understand how they can get nasty. YOUR NATURAL HAIR is separated into a small section, a protective base is place at the base, then the extension is glued to that strand. We all know that we shed many strands of hair naturally daily. Well, were do you think that loose strand is going to go if is locked in to an extension? Usually the tangle nightmare starts about the beginning of the third month of wearing extensions. Because the strand that gets loosen now make a U-turn and starts to tangle the strands that are still attached. They have no place to go and decide to create havoc. Another way extensions get tangled is when the strands are place close together and a little bit of hair is left between them. This is done by the technician usually because he/she was toughed that way or they think is more comfortable. I have seen pretty bad cases of tangles with this technique. The user usually tends to ignore or not feel the tangle that snarls. If the hair quality it self is of poor condition do not use this for more that two months, and that's actually pushing the limits. Remember that the extension hair is going to loose luster and silkiness the minute it gets on your head. Noticed how it's never the "same" after the first shampoo. Using the proper products to keep tangles away can make a whole lot of difference with your extension experience. Let me give you a couple of my favorites for detangling: Matrix Spray in leave-in treatments, Pravana Leave in treatments, All detangling solutions, balsams or rinses work well on extensions. Try NOT to use oil or greasy products. NOW... If you see a beautiful woman in a picture and you use this as a guide for your look, YOU WILL NEVER WAKE UP DONE! That means you have to make an effort and maintain the LOOK. Remember she got her hair done for that picture. The longer, bouncier and more gorgeous you want your mane the higher the maintenance is going to be. Granted hair extensions is the ONLY way you will achieve that picture perfect long lasting look. Brush, brush and brush some more, that is the real secret to no tangles.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
" Japanese Straightener"

The famous "Japanese Straightener" has been a topic of many a discussion on and off line. The bottom line is that it is NOT a product. Today in the beauty industry the latest version and most used by stylists is the "thermal straightener" it is the same thing the difference is the brand of product used. Let me explain to you what makes it permanently straight . The hair is first prepared by shampooing with a clarifying shampoo to remove all impurities and oils from the strands. Then, a stabilizer or PH balance is applied through out the strands. The actual straightening product (which by the way stinks) is applied OFF THE SCALP (very important) this is the step that actually alters your hair's DNA structure. The technician should by this step be watching closely for the process to be completed and never leave you alone or on a timer to forget you for the time period the timer is set for. Every three to five minutes the strands should be checked. because the application was not and is never applied through out the whole head at the same time, the quads the hair are divided into, will process sooner than the last quad applied. Therefore it may be necessary to remove one quad at a time as they process and reach the proper texture. After the chemical is completely removed the hair is then dried with a blower removing ONLY about 80% of the moisture. The remaining 20% is evaporated with a 100% ceramic iron again OFF the scalp. If the iron is ceramic coated in my personal experience it WILL break the hair where the iron closes which is very close to the scalp. This is the part that a lot of stylists just don't get and or have no patience to complete and tend to try to cut corners. If the the hair is not properly sectioned to flat iron, the risk of breakage is higher. After the whole head is flat ironed the neutralizing formula is applied and processed. A cocktail of emollients and restructures are then applied for a length of 3 to 6 minutes. Finally is time to style and maybe flat iron one last time depending on the texture and bulk of the hair as well as the weather (on humid weather is is very recommended to flat iron on last time for a straighter result). The processed hair CANNOT be held with ponytails, headbands, glasses, clips, pins, scrunchies or pulled back behind the ears. Any of these can create a crease that cannot be corrected. After a period of about 72 hours minimum the person can shampoo and condition the hair with a hydrating system, blow dry or let dry natural. There are different strengths for the various types of hair and previously chemically treated as well. I advice to consult thoroughly with a technician prior to your service. The results can be amazing or devastating if YOU fail to screen the person properly.
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