It has been a while since my last post on this blogger. There is a huge reason for it. I have been waiting for feedback from clients using the keratin treatment. Here are some of the findings I came up with. The results of the Keratin are so extreme, that clients often comment how different their hair is. Example: "it feels like someone else hair", "this can't be my hair", "I let it dry naturally and it's not frizzy". Amongst many other comments these happen to be consistent. after two to three months of following my directions, consumers tend to contact me with comments such as "I'm back to normal again" or "I think my Keratin is gone". For those who did
not have to use thermal appliances, the treatment did last the full three months. For those who USED thermal appliances the treatment lasted a little less than three months. However, it is of huge importance that a shampoo without SODIUM CHLORIDE be utilized for maintaining the treatment.
I had a question sent to me not long ago. Is it true that a person using Keratin treatment,experience more damaged hair after the treatment has worned off. That is very likely IMPOSSIBLE I'll tell you why. the treatment replenishes the hair with the missing protein. Keratin is vital for the hair and this is the only thing in the market right now that can repair and have the longevity. Due to it's technology the contrast between the time it's done to the time the clients needs to redo it, is dramatic to say the least. So the consumer using this product will see her or his hair as damaged to the extreme because they just had it fixed to an extreme. I have clients that have done this three times already and their hair seems to get stronger and stronger in the shaft and ends where the majority of the damage had occurred. I don't think this has the capacity to damage hair but people do have the capacity to forget how damaged their hair was prior to treatment.